Can a non-technical, non commercial project be supported on Steem? The Steem ecoVillage Community


Imagine a world where you were truly secure, relying not on the vulnerable and unethical model of modern capitalism, but instead on the natural intelligence and reliability of the forces of nature. Imagine leaving the city and joining a small community, discarding the whole notion and concept of money as we know it, and instead embracing a new paradigm based on true team playing and synergy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you didn’t have to play the game of success, being forced to sacrifice your life so that you can try to get ahead of your neighbour to survive in this modern world? Are you tired of the rat race? Can you see how unhealthy cities have become, the darkest most lonely version of the Orwellian nightmare manifesting right in front of your eyes? Would you be interested to hear of a way out? A way that you can sacrifice nothing, and gain true freedom. A world where being poor is no longer criminalised, and where money barely even matters anymore. Then welcome to the Steem ecoVillage Project!

Experienced, and ready for action!

I have spent nearly all of my energy money and time since 2001 discovering, learning and building sustainable homes called Earthships. In the past 11 years I have been very busy training myself up in the mountains of South India. It's never easy self building, and even more so in very remote regions with no support, skilled labour, or machines and specialised tools. Nevertheless that is the mission I embarked on in 2006, and since then I have acquired incredible experience and knowledge by simply getting down and doing whatever it took to manifest a truly off-grid sustainable home.. known today as Earthship Karuna. I have lived in this home for 7 years, and during that time I have come to realise the incredible potential of a properly executed sustainable community.

Success in the most challenging circumstances, Earthship Karuna.

For the last 7 years I have lived in complete comfort and luxury, with all my survival and comfort needs taken care of by my home. My only utility bills are gas for cooking, which costs me just $10 per month, period! I haven't got any centralised utilises, and am far away from any municipal offerings such as power, sewage etc.. Since this home has been designed with complete autonomy and self sufficiency in mind, it is able to provide me with all the power, water, and everything else i need to live. Whether it is 40 degrees Celsius heat, or -20 Celsius freezing, this type of home can keep me comfortable with no additional heating or cooling. The home heats and cools itself, with no power, no moving parts, using the natural forces of nature to drive it on indefinitely with virtually no maintenance.


Earthship Biotecture

This concept, called Earthship Biotecture, originated in the USA and was invented by Michael Reynolds way back in the 1980's. Since then this approach to self sufficiency has evolved to the point that I can now confidently say that it is would be totally possible to create a completely off-grid self sufficient community, and for people to live together in this community with virtually no bills and no need to work if you don't want to. This community would need nothing from the outside world, and would represent the epitome of self sufficiency and sustainability with an ultra low environmental impact, in fact a home built in this way today can have have a NEGATIVE carbon footprint.

This is a new paradigm, a completely alternative way to live and be in this modern world, and in my opinion the only way that makes any sense at all!

Inner City Strife!

People are still flocking to the cities in droves. Whilst cities offer people who are stuck in isolated rural areas the hope of a better life with more opportunities, they deliver exactly the opposite to 99.9% of those who make the choice to live in one. Cities today are the most unhealthy places you could try to live in, in every respect. The physical, mental and emotional state of most who live in the oppressed world of Inner City life is shocking, and no one as yet has demonstrated a viable alternative, until now! I am tired of hearing everyone say they are TOO BUSY! It is my very strong opinion that we Urgently need to provide the world with an alternative model to life, that works! It is also my very strong opinion that this can be achieved using the Earthship Biotecture approach, coupled with a diverse and strong community.

True security and freedom... for free!

This community would be FREE, in every respect. This means that there would be no buy in, no purchase needed to join in. There would be no ownership in the traditional sense. Everyone would have a home and what they really need, and the focus of life would shift totally from acquisition to expression. That is to say, people would be unburdened by the stress of trying to survive and compete. We would shift our entire way of thinking from competition to team playing. Collaborations would happen naturally, and creativity would take on a whole new meaning. When the motivations behind our actions are based on expressing our natural passions, without any concern of profit, success, or dominance.. we enter into a new world of existence.

(this is not the design plan!)

And so I would like to present to you the Steem ecoVillage! Why Steem? Very simply because the people I have met on Steem UNDERSTAND what I am talking about. We are here on Steem because we understand that the system is broken, and we are the ones that are here to support and embrace a new way. Blockchain has provided us with possibilities that even the Internet could not deliver. We stand on the precipice of climate disaster, species annihilation, war, oppression, and total control by the mainstream. Whilst they have shackled the people of this world since history begun, the time for change has come. We have the technology now to save ourselves. We have the power to take back our lives and choose our destination. We just need to get down and do this properly and show others that it can be done, and overturn the false concept that we need to work and live in cities to earn money to survive.

The Steem community is stronger than many people realise. Those who berate it, and say it will die do not understand what it is. This is about so much more than money and rewards. Steem has the potential to create projects that shift the entire way we approach things, as we have seen with the great experiment of Steemit. Wouldn’t it be amazing if this Blockchain could support the manifestation this eco village. That would be an incredible real world impact that would shine as a terrestrial beacon of light and hope for us all to share and follow. One day I truly hope to be able to stand amongst my Steem friends and community, holding hands and celebrating this great achievement. I know that together we can do it, and there is no more time to lose. The only way is out, are you ready to jump yet?

A few months ago I wrote a post on Steem that went into more detail on this project. I declared my intention to manifest this community, that would be open to all, and based on natural giving. I pledged to offer my life to take this project on, with no interest in personal gain or profit, or indeed the need for money. I am ready to gift my life to this cause, because for me it is the most important thing that I think we need to see in the world. I have also written extensively on Steem to explain how Earthships are able to do what they do. If you would like to understand more about Earthship Biotecture or my vision for this community please check these two posts out!


2) ecoTrain Mission Statement: Create An Off-Grid Community Based on Natural Giving!

Finally a third post I'm sharing here is one that shows the workshops I have led that I have posted about on Steem. This post shows you my passion and ability to lead groups of unskilled people to successfully build both small and large Earthships.


This is the mission of my life, and also the reason for the existence of the @ecoTrain account on Steem. People have often asked, "Where is the @ecotrain actually GOING?" LOL. So now you know.

@ecotrain prioritizes support for posts on the many topics relating to sustainability and natural living. We're excited by new-paradigm posts and are actively looking for contributors who think out-of-the-box and into a new and different future.

But we're taking it a BIG STEP FURTHER, and will be using the rewards from promoting this information to buy land and make this project happen.

I am confident I can do this because I have already done it, in extremely difficult circumstances, with no prior experience, and with a very difficult and ambitious design, more than once! If I could do this my myself, with no support, have to take on every aspect of a build in the most difficult location, with no skilled labour, then you can understand why technically I have every confidence that I can do it again with an amazing supportive community. Together we can build each other a better place and take steem from only your computer screen and use it as the power behind a real, physical community !

  • If you are someone who has a lot of Steem power, please consider delegation to this cause. If you are someone who has hundreds of thousands or even millions of Steem delegated to good technical projects, then will you consider sending just a tiny percentage of delegation to me so that we can manifest this project?

  • If you are someone who knows a Steem whale who is passionate about FREEDOM and the paradigm shift, please let them know about this post, because in life it is not what we know, but who we know!

Whilst Steem is largely a technical endeavour that usually supports technical blockchain projects, I believe we also need to also use it to promote and engage with the deep world issues that Blockchain is here to solve. Would it not be fu*!king amazing to see a successful Steem backed ecoCommunity like this on the mainstream news?! ... And how good would that be for the support and price of Steem?! ; -) Delegations will be used by the @ecotrain to curate posts on topics relating to Sustainability, and will help to engage others in this direction and generally support this theme.





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