Visit to Maramures-Romania 2019 🇷🇴

Location: Northwest Romania.


Facts about Maramures:
Maramures is a geographical area of NV Romania of almost unreal beauty of places with numerous tourist attractions, traditions, folklore and archaic customs transmitted from generation to generation by word of mouth thus managing to survive to the present day, astonishing the traveler in search of authentic.


A trip through the villages of Maramures will convince you that Maramures fully deserves its name as "Land of Wood", many settlements keeping with pride old wooden churches. The art of wood carving can be admired in the wonderful wooden monasteries, many of which are included in the Unesco heritage, but also in the only gates carved entirely of oak that gives the area a local identity. Maramures gate is loaded with pre-Christian symbolism signifying the transition to the afterlife. Only the "nemesi" peasants, descendants of the cnezi, being able to raise such Gates, representing also a sign of wealth but also of pride.


In the Maramures household all constructions are built of wood, which represents a small museum itself due to the still living connection of the past with the present.

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