I Refuse to Be Flushed Without Due Process! 👨‍⚖️💩🚽


I am the steeming pile of poo that has taken residence in @cryptopie's bowels and I am very dismayed at his unlawful attempts at my removal.

Per the law governing landlords and tenants, I am entitled to no less than 30 days and a formal eviction notice. I will be speaking to my lawyer, who happens to be a corn kernel I met in the small intestine, about options we can take to protect my rights as a renter.

Mr. Pie has been accepting payments from his posts about ME which constitutes my rent payments and not once did he tell me that he disagreed with this arrangement. I was flabbergasted once Mr. Pie made me share my room with a Ms. Biguerlai Tea. Let's just say that she was not very cordial and I didn't feel comfortable with her lax manners. Not to mention the rowdy bunch of Suppositories (I think was their surname) that had tried to physically remove me from the property. It just ain't right! Poo are people, too! We have feelings and deserve to be treated with dignity.

I don't want to sound like I'm just complaining but I'm really hoping to buy some time so I can get on my feet. Was thinking I could make it on my own on Steem since I am a steeming pile of poo, afterall! Everybody deserves a second chance, right?

Also, I would kindly ask that Mr. Pie cease and desist from profiting from my likeness unless he is willing to draft up a formal lease agreement. I am happy to co-author some content so his audience can see things from my perspective. Maybe we could eventually launch a shitty sitcom... a SHITCOM if you will.

Truth be told, I have a soft spot for comedy.

Just for awareness of my plight, I ask that you upvote @cryptopie's post where he, in plain sight, talks about getting rid of me. Perhaps, we could even get it to trending so others can see what he is putting me through.

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