[SteemDown.com] - Longer List, Totals, and Thanks & Mentions..

Which whales are powering down? How big is the payout?


If you haven't seen the original post, check out it out first at [SteemDown.com] - Which whales are powering down?


As suggested by others, the list has been extended to show the Top 200 whales. In addition, the total number of accounts that are withdrawing will be counted and displayed towards the top, as well as the total withdraw amount. These numbers are shocking! Here is what it looks like:

Thanks & Mentions

It would seem SteemDown has been mentioned in multiple posts since it was built and released. Here are most of them I'm aware of, though there may be more:

Quite a lot, don't you think? There is a whole spectrum of what I mean by mention.

There are those that just mention SteemDown, give screenshots, or just use it as a reference to further a point. I'm fine with that. It would just be the nicest thing if you would give my blog or one of my SteemDown announcement posts a mention.

And then there are those that translate my SteemDown announcement posts into another language. Also fine with that. Just please reference the original post that you translated from.

Haha, and one of them just took screenshots and included a link to SteemDown.com as if they are announcing it as theirs!

Finally, one of them even got on Trending over the weekend! Even though it wasn't credited, I am still honored that (a screenshot of) SteemDown was seen by a ton of people and part of a 4 figure post! Heck, my whole wallet is not even that much. But the author was kind to send me a tip. Thanks.

For those that credit me when mentioning SteemDown, I thank you very much. And for those that have my back, @dennygalindo and @liondani and others I don't know about, I am very grateful.

Yes, I know it may be ridiculous to ask to be credited. But isn't it the right thing to do?

Anyway, credit or not, to be mentioned so many times means that SteemDown is actually being seen and used! I am very honored. As a developer, this means a lot to know that what I am doing is actually important and giving value.

By the way, there are still a few days left until the final payout on the original post. Fell free to go there to support, as well, after this one! =D

Thanks! And Enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.

Follow me! @bitcoiner

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