Steem DApps should consider removing or reducing the beneficiary rewards they take

We all know that HF21 happened today and even though it had issues initially and the chain halted, I believe things are settling down now and the issue has been fixed if I'm right. I guess this will be my first post after the new hard fork. There are mixed views about the hard fork. I'm not going to go into details of that.

I would like to take this opportunity to make a request to the DApps that are already taking beneficiary rewards from the posts posted from their DApps. For example, esteem takes 10% rewards as beneficiary cut from all the posts posted using esteem mobile and desktop application. It will be great if it can be reduced or removed from the posts as the author rewards are getting lower already.


I completely understand that the DApps will also need something to profit from the application they create but I believe now the Curation rewards can really compensate very well compared to the past after HF21 because half of the post rewards now goes to the curators. Based on the curation that the DApps are already doing, their curation income would be very good compared to the previous situation where the post rewards were 75%/25%.

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