Travel to the mangrove forest

in the afternoon my friend took a vacation to the magrove forest which is in the langsa, the park is a lot of people who go with her boyfriend, but we went with same men because we are singles hahaha, but we are not ashamed because we are not for the same way , just make a holiday with friends.
fitting we want to go around the forest, we see there is a female monkey again nursing her son and monkeys guarding her, when we see our female monkeys think, so faithful parents to his son, wherever he goes he will take his son and protect him.
and we continue our journey, suddenly we have a nice photograph photo of the scenery for us post in steemit, there is a girl deprived of food by a huge monkey so that the girl fell and he woke up again to take his food but did not succeed, the magrove forest is not allowed to carry food, because it will be taken by monkeys.
then abislah food girl was eating by the monkey, and we also can travel, upon us on the suspension bridge, we saw a very beautiful scenery, full of greenery. we also climbed the tower in order to see the beautiful scenery. finally jampun show number 6 haripun more afternoon and we go home.

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