Steem Is Falling... Is it Time to Worry?

Hi Steemian,

  • Today we see another Fall in the price for Steem...
  • Steem has been falling since it reached the $2 Mark.
  • Reason being very Low amount of investments...
  • Let's look at Steem's Volume for the past 30 Days

By volume Steem is #36 although on the Market it is # 17

  • Let's look even deeper into Today's Volume: $2.1 Millions that's a pretty good number right?
  • Usually Cryptos get a lot of investments when Bear Market( 20% or more Fall) Happens...

While 2.1 Millions were in Volume, 1.2 Millions were Leached (Powered Down)

  • At this Rate Steem Just might maintain slow Growth... Although there are a Ton of Much better Investments than Steem on the Market...

This is why I believe steem will keep growing

  • Almost 12 Million Visitors In June 2017
  • Steem has Doubled it's Visitors since May 2017( 5.9 Million Visitors)

So what do we see here?

  • Steem is being Leached everyday, while some investments are coming in...
  • The amount of Steemians has Skyrocketed within these few months, but the Prize-Pool has stayed identical.
  • Meaning that there is a Lot more competition now for Each Dollar.
  • Although Steem is gaining a lot of Attention. Which is really good, since attention is Power!
  • The Question is can we Maintain that attention with Lower Prize-Pool and Rewards for Commenting/ Posting/ Currating?

I believe @ned and @dan should be thinking of a Pivot right about this moment...

  • There are many ways to Monetize the Attention, and maybe sharing these Gains with Authors/ Commentators so that they can have better incentives!
  • Although monetizing has to be done Right. If you just place Ads on Steem during these early phases you might loose the attention.
  • In average Steem is still Growing more than it's being Leached so in future steem will go up. Just not as Fast as most people expect.
  • Although it is impossible to predict any numbers I want to say that Steem will double your Investments in 4-6 Months at this Rate of Growth (just a rough estimate)
  • Steem might make some changes to Attract more Investors in which case this number becomes smaller
  • Another Reason to be worried is that there are so Many Amazing opportunities to Invest in other Currencies that People like me and many others are Cashing out in order to Invest SBD into Other Currencies.
  • I am not a skeptical person but Looking at the Data there are a few reasons why Steem's Growth will be very slow.
  • At this rate if Doubles it's traffic Once more, it will start becoming really hard to make money Posting.
  • How fast can Steem Grow it's traffic. Where the Traffic will be 6 Months from now? If the Prize-Pool doesn't grow it might get very frustrating to work and grow your Steemit Presence and make profits!
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