Google Trends is showing us that the top countries joining steem are Venezuela, Nigeria, South Korea, Bangladesh & China. Congratulations to these mostly developing nations for finding Steem Blockchain & investing in a crypto future to end their poverty.


Congratulations to Venezuela, Nigeria,. South Korea Bangladesh and CHina. These are the top 5 nations on Google Trends list for and what I see on the Graph for the popularity of steemit is that it is DOWN. It is WAY down and that LOOKS bad but the REASON is because BITCOIN and crypto is down! When crypto goes UP the Steemit google trends go UP!! With high Steem & SBD prices the amount of people looking up steem goes up because more people want in to bitcoin and are looking for all the ways to get it & steemit is one of them!

Steem WILL end poverty for those who use it everyday with a passion and produce valuable content. Original content and the simple ways in which anyone can create it, are important to teach to many of our Venezuelan and Bangladeshi users. For Venezuela & Bangladesh I believe we need some anti plagiarism education to help these people learn original content. @walden has brought this up many times and he has a point about the connection between some developing regions with under-performing economies and activity that may be described as short term high risk behavior, and we shouldn't generalize but we need to setup education systems for many of these new users that either don't speak English & need Spanish and Foreign Language translators to explain to them how certain behaviors on steem are perceived as spamming like writing short comments. Indonesia is another hot spot with many amazing writers and content creators but also a few bad apples that we see in all countries even the West, especially the West, but there is a need to educate people who are using steem inefficiently. So many people I catch posting these terrible articles about health with some nonesense about how apples will help their kidney or some terrible post about some recipe they just make up, and I just have had enough of it! We can get WAY more out of steem if we all start making VIDEOS on youtube that promote steem and make posts promoting Steem on Youtube comments for Videos on earning BTC!

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