Steem Saturday was a BLAST!!

I have to tell you about my #Steem-Saturday experience because I’m still bursting with pride and elation. Not only to help organise, but to be there and experience it all.

What started as an idea six weeks ago by my husband over morning coffee overlooking our garden, became a reality on Saturday 29 October 2016.

I feel blessed, privileged, happy, honoured and all sorts of positive adjectives that I had a part in arranging the first ever #Steem-Saturday. Our dream is to, in time, have a #Steem-Saturday every Saturday somewhere in the world. It was hard work and took a lot of effort to keep our wits about us, but we made it! Admittedly, my husband, @jacor worked the hardest of all putting together Ned, speakers, venue, logos, website, printing, photographers, press etc. @gavvet (also a speaker on the day) helped us generate funding through posts on Steemit and Robert Marshall @robertm from QuadroIT sponsored the rest. I was responsible for the girly stuff. Shirts for the team and all the speakers, name tags for the delegates (done at 23:00 on Thursday with spasms in my back and bloodshot eyes), the safari getaway for Ned and the QuadroIT team the next day and the meet and greet on the day.

The day has come.

We arrived tired, but excited on the morning to set up the location and finalise the last bits for the arrival and registration of the delegates.

I’d like to give you a further play-by-play of the day, but it would mostly consist of words like WOW, unbelievable, amazing, awesome, fantastic, momentous and ‘Man alive, I need a Red bull with a shot of espresso.’ Instead, for those who couldn’t make it, I’ll try to put you there through pictures.

Opening Key-note and speeches

Here’s a photo of me playing photographer

Keynote by Ned Scott on ‘their baby’, ‘his girlfriend’ and baskets full of Steem

What to post next? Gavvet on Dot Com Bubble

Jan Albert Valk and Sakkie van Wijk – Africa is a large, beautiful continent with financial obstacles and challenges in every country, but has immense potential and willingness by its people for growth.

Tea time

Diverse and like-minded delegates had the chance to meet and share thoughts

I had the opportunity to chat to @lmar, @rynow, @gamaroff, @aslammotala, @simplyshad, Ban, and thank @spartanza for inviting all his connections (even the frenchman ;))

Steem-Saturday was @jacor’s dream come true. I’m immensely proud of what he achieved in six weeks and how he made it all come together.

Ceaser Siwale – Transacting within and across the borders of African countries.

Lorien Gamaroff (@gamaroff) sweeping up the room with his ideas on Crowd funding using crypto currency and the blockchain.

What an amazing feeling to see what we accomplished

Next up on the speech list was Ricardo (@steemdrive). I messed up the photo. Sorry Ricardo!

The photo shoot. Of course we had a shoot and lots of selfies!

From left to right: @gavvet, Lorien Gamaroff (@gamaroff), Robert Marshal @robertm behind Ricardo Goncalves (@steemdrive), Jan Albert Valk, Naómi-Louise Rossouw @naomi.louise, Sakkie van Wijk, Jaco Rossouw @jacor, Ned Scott @ned .

Jan Albert, Ned and Sakkie

Lorien, Jaco and Ned

Ned and I

Robert Marshall of QuadroIT and Ned Scott

The press was there too. Ned, Adam Meister @bitcoinmeister and Jaco

Lunch is served

A delicious lunch was served at Chief’s Boma – Indaba Hotel

@bitcoinmeister talking up a storm with @aslammotala and @simplyshad – so glad I got to meet Adam and see my friends Aslam and Shad again

I can’t remember all the names (my apologies) – Johan @johannvdwalt, Ned, Gavin, ?, ?, ?, Linsey @kiligirl and Tim @tim-beck

Please spread the dream

Anyone can volunteer to arrange the event in his/her area. We’ve done all the hard work and will gladly support and guide you when arranging the event. Logos, mock-ups and even the website is already in place for you to use. All you have to do is dedicate time and get sponsors and contact @jacor in direct chat.

Have a look at @gavvet’s post 1st Steem Saturday

Please help us realise the dream to have a #Steem-Saturday all over the world. I can’t begin to tell you how rewarding it is and what a pleasure it is to meet fellow Steemit, bitcoin and crypto currency enthusiasts.

If you enjoy my articles please follow me on my blog at @naomi.louise

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