The first Steem Saturday event is finalized

Oh what a rush this is turning out to be and we are at last into the final stretch.

Here is the finalized Agenda that went to the printers for processing yesterday.

Steem Saturday - 29 October

07:30-08:00 Attendee Registration
08:00-08:45 Ned Scott (Opening Keynote)
08:45-09:15 @Gavvet (The emergence of the internet of value)
09:15-10:00 Jan Albert Valk & Sakkie van Wijk (African Financial obstacles and challenges)
10:00-10:15 Comfort and Drinks break
10:15-11:00 Ceaser Siwale (Cross Border transacting within Africa and challenges)
11:00-11:40 Lorien Gamaroff (Crowd Funding using Crypto currency and the blockchain)
11:40-12:15 Ricardo Goncalves (@thecryptodrive) (First Steem Witness in Africa! Speaking about The CryptoDrive and SteemSports initiatives)
12:30-13:30 Ned Scott (Closing Keynote and questions)
13:30-14:30 Lunch & Steem Drinks

Speaker Details

Steemit CEO, Ned Scott

Ned Scott is the CEO and Co-founder of Steemit. Steemit is a decentralized social media platform where users get paid for blogging and curating content. Steemit plugs into a robust blockchain database, called Steem, that distributes cryptocurrency rewards to users uploading popular articles, commentary, images and videos. Steemit is the first social media platform that has successfully paid people to post and vote online, and now has over 70,000 users, with more than 5,000 joining every week. Before founding Steemit with Dan Larimer in January 2016, Ned was a Business Operations & Financial Analyst at Gellert Global Group for three years. He graduated from Bates with a degree in Psychology and Economics.


One of the first South Africans on the Steemit platform. Currently holding the number one rank from a reputational level, he has researched both the Blockchain and Crypto Currency environment over the last two years as a consultant for a number of large organisations. With more than two decades of technology and technology consulting experience, his research has led him to believe that Crypto Currency is a new revolution and could change the way the world works.

Jan Albert Valk & Sakkie van Wijk

Sakkie has an enviable track record in setting up structured asset finance operation across Africa, has build significant process IP in this domain, and amongst other successfully set up Toyota’s commercial vehicle financing operation in Africa. Sakkie now consults for numerous organisations that wants to do business in Africa, doing risk analysis and helping his clients to create business plans that will be successful in the African environment
Jan Albert Valk spent 9 years at the Alios Finance Group, Sub Sahara Africa's largest leasing company outside South Africa, of which the last 8 years as group CEO. He has lived and built and sold various companies in this domain in Africa, and works with numerous large European funds and funders who are looking to invest in Africa, with a specific focus on finance and leasing operations.

Ceasar Siwale

Ceasar is a leading investor and entrepreneur in Zambia, pioneering global financial transactions through his securities firm, Pangaea Securities.Pangaea, and has raised over US$2.0 billion of capital for various clients within the SADC region.

Lorien Gamaroff

“The Bitcoin and Blockchain guy”, Lorien is a known speaker and thought leader on Bitcoin and Blockchain. He has also been featured on the Keiser report. Previous press article about Lorien can be found at

Ricardo Goncalves (@thecryptodrive)

First Steem Witness in Africa! Speaking about The CryptoDrive and SteemSports initiatives

Only four sleeps to go... can't wait.

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