Why some posts earn much more than others? Explained

Alright so we've got an awful lot of newcomers flooding into steam. It now all kinds of new content popping up it's hard to keep track of it all hard to keep up I mean there's a new thing posted every couple seconds. But anyway there's one thing that is really on a lot of people's minds right now and that's the income disparity for lack of a better term. I mean we're seeing some posts get thousands of dollars worth of votes and others get absolutely nothing.

Some newcomers strike it rich right away they post something maybe it they're standing out for some reason maybe they're attractive and take nice pictures or maybe they're talking about something scandalous served for some reason. They catch people's attention and they do very very well others failed to do that maybe it's dry subject matter maybe it's not eye catching there's some combination of reasons as to why is a newcomer in posting something might not get noticed and they might not generate any funds for their post and so when people don't understand how the system works a lot of them are jumping to the conclusion. That it's rigged or it's unfair or something like that and there's a lot of anger flying around right now.

So a quick explanation i think is in order here just to clear up how it works and why think of it as a corporation. Okay we've got steam power that you can think of is voting stock it's like shares more steam power you own it's like owning more shares in the corporation. You have more votes so if you are heavily invested in the platform you have more influence your vote is worth more so if somebody comes along who is heavily invested and they vote on your post that vote could be worth hundreds of dollars depending on how much steam powered that they have somebody who had just joined is not invested they might vote and their vote might be worth a cent. You know so that's what's going on here the answer as to why these heavily invested wales as we call them vote on certain things over others that brings up the matter of the value being subjective. It's not like the work you're cutting in is rewarded based on how much work it is ok it's what is deemed valuable by the voter. So put yourself in their shoes you just invested a whole lot of money in this brand new platform and it just launched .what are you concerned about you want to protect your investment and you want to build the platform you want to contribute to its success.

You want to spread adoption you want to introduce new people to it right now the interface is very young it's very raw it's not welcoming it's difficult for newcomers to understand so right now a lot of the attention is being paid to things that make people feel welcome. Things that make it look more accessible things that helped introduce the platform to new casual users who don't come from a computing or engineering background.

so we have the first makeup tutorial does extremely well right off the charts it looks ridiculous how well this did but it was the first it's introducing this Mitch to the platform you know soon we're gonna have a whole bunch of different makeup tutorials and they're not going to do well. I guarantee it because it's a supply and demand issue ok when you have a lot of supply then the value goes down right but it was there was only one that was the first so it did well because those who are invested in the platform want to support it they want to support content like that they want to support newcomers who start up a new niche so that's the explanation i'm going to leave us if you have more detailed questions about how the voting works or whatever you can drop that down below and I'm sure somebody will answer.

I hope it helps

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