Our Culture!

a Warm Welcome to new STEEM SETTLERS! Our culture here has been horrible and we want to change that into something better, CULTURALLY SPEAKING - Only!

We do not want the STEEM blockchain to be re-coded into a nanny-state, a welfare state or a broken state. We want to see culture change so there is generously spaced so that we can have disputes and arguments without ganging up to destroy one another. We want a culture that is an inch more thick skinned then what it currently is in.

Agree with me or I will NUKE your account - an attitude we can CULTURE AWAY!

For COMMERCE to thrive, people need the freedom to prosper on their own merits and investment without the threats of being ganged up upon because User X was drunk on Day Y and said Z. Remember Sovjet Russia? COMMERCE did not thrive under such leadership and bad culture, same with Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, etc. COMMERCE cannot thrive in systems like that, because the embedded protectionism creates a fear of getting rekt, rich or offend someone.

I have thick enough skin to take some insults, I am also not afraid of insulting someone to grab their attention.

I have been a BOSS since 1998. Someone scouted my talent and gave me a promotion to lead the team instead of being led by status quo. A good decision for sure - during the 3 years I worked there we upped the sales-curve by over 70% without adding liabilities/more people to salesforce which was what they did from previous "normal". I set the bar so high that I call in from time to time just to check if anyone has broken my personal sales record, my team's sales record and my regions (2) sales records, and til this day I am still at the top in that company.

Less ABUSE, More Informed, Less WHINING, Focus on what makes you money!

I hate WHINERS, you either work for bearish traders as paid shills, or you are emotionally unstable and need to control yourself. WHINERS complain about that they do not make a lot of money on their posts, but they never say that straight. Instead, they whine about whales, dolphins, bidbots, not being seen, not getting attention, everyone else is stoopid... right?


Come and talk with hundreds and thousands of STEEM users from all frontends at http://STEEMspeak.com or use our Discord link: https://discord.gg/TP6HYAx We celebrate 2 years anniversary!

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