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Steem Cartoon : Creating a Concept Art + Bonus



There are a few rules that I adopt in my drawings and two golden rule that I use are the following:-

  • Rule of Thirds
  • Golden Ratio

Reference to rule of thirds can be found here.
Reference to the Golden Ratio can be found here






This is my background reference that I got it online and credit is given to this source



Then I ask a storyteller to tell a story:

The Boy Who Stumbled

Awang ventured into the woods, he was cold, lost and hungry. He can't seem to find his way out. Although he has been into the woods his entire life, this time it looked different. The sun has set but it was full moon, fortunately for Awang. The blood curdling howls of the wolves are quite intimidating. Awang forgot about his hunger.

Far in the horizon, there are some silhouettes of giant trees but there seems to be a fanfare there. There are some bright lights and to Awang it looked a little like fireworks. Awang has heard of many folklore and he hasn't quite seen or even imagine something like this. I walked towards the visual commotion and took a peek from behind the tree trunk, a glowing figurine that looked like a winged creature that has human shape with odd features was floating, it looks like it is in a ceremonial aerial dance.

The attention seem to be centered towards the moon. It must be the full moon. Awang heard of Aladdin and the genie, maybe he can ask for a wish, to get him back safely and if luck permits, maybe a buffalo to help him plough the fields. Awang is a simple boy.

credit to @perennial for the short story.


credit to @zomagic