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The Making of The Kampung Boy Award, the mock up proposal.

Hi there steemians, wherever you are.

The Kampung Boy Award presentation was a unique event, held in conjunction with Datuk Lat’s 50 years involvements in Malaysian cartoons.

Datuk Lat, is the most famous cartoonist in Malaysia. He drew most of his cartoons in the New Straits Times, an English language daily news paper.


“The Kampung Boy” is Lat’s first freshly drawn comic book in his recent years profession. It was published in 1985 by Berita Publishing. Before The Kampung Boy ( based on true stories of childhood life in a village), he had came out with series of collections of his published cartoons in the news paper...

Cartoonist LAT (Datuk M Noor Khalid) now.

The character he created. It is supposed to be he himself when he was a little boy.

The mop like hairstyle has becoming Lat’s well known identity.

A younger Lat with his favorite hair style.

The Sketches

The whole idea came from me when I felt, we need something ‘special’, custom made trophy to be designed as the award for the special occassion. A ready made trophy would be so ordinary and klise. The organiser agreed to the idea and gave the task to me to come out with a mock up sample, after these sketches were presented before the committee...

Front view

Right side

Rear view

Left side view

The Sculpture

Frankly, this is my first sculpture I attempted in so many years. Before this, I just made simple sculptures for my building’s scaled model long time ago using ‘plastercine’ and polystyrene. sometime, I used balsa wood.

This time, I learned to use ‘paper clay’.


As a ‘beginner’, I spent quite sometime to familiarise with the techniques. A lot of time spent, just to study the ‘properties’ of the clay, the ‘amature’ way. i did refer to some tuition in You-tube, but it wasn’t help much. The only thing I get to know was to use metal wires (preferabily, copper wkires). The rest of the method, came frome my limited creativity...

I started with the head. A bald one.

Now it looks more interesting with the hair on.

I could not wait to put up the head into its body.



Believe it or not, I built the body using a plastic bottle, wrapped up with the wire before I carefully carved the arms and the rest.


I did not use much tools, actually. Whatever I could grab, became my tools.


I took me nearly two weeks to complete the sculpture. The perspect casing was made by a friend who do picture frames business.


So, this is the finished product with the cover of the book in the back ground.


The followings are photos of Lat and I on the lauching day of the trophy design.




Shortly before the actual event, due to the cost to make the sculpture into trophy was too high. They had decided to change it to a much cheaper version for the award.

At the moment, the mock ip or the Kampung Boy Award is being risplayed at The Malaysia Cartoon and comic House in Kuala Limput...🤨

I hope, you like the post, as much as I love sharing it. Thank You,

