The Problem Is Not The Smartphone, Computer, or TV--It's The Government Inside Them

In the arena of various tools made use of by humans, the vast majority are neutral. As one example, the mediums of communication and exchange on our planet can be used for malicious intent, for good, or for otherwise neutral things.

I love the technologies of human communication and information exchange, from the radio, to the smartphone to the laptop, for the unique and powerful connection opportunities they provide as well as the economic freedom they are now enabling millions of people to experience.

Yet, [no] thanks to government interference--regulation by legislation--as well as collusion with those who take advantage of government power, many tech devices are in some way compromised by malicious software or hardware. And it is specifically designed to be invasive, to spy and to be a way for authoritarian control freaks to interrupt free and voluntary human exchange.

What I do think is important to point out is this:

none of these technological tools would be a real threat to anyone without government and the irrational belief in authority.

I exceedingly appreciate the positive and inspiring uses of technology, and I will keep using it for what I want to use it for.

I even will choose to take the approach of doing so with an attitude that pretends the state does not even exist in the equation.

Because the criminals of the state (government sociopaths manipulating these amazing tech tools) are the ones who are immoral and should leave me alone; I am the one simply trying to enjoy my life the way I choose through voluntary interaction with others. Their immoral actions committed by way of an otherwise neutral tool have nothing to do with the tool itself.

Another point worth making is that if I react to everything the government does by running or always trying to hide (which is nearly impossible anyway), then in a very real way I am allowing them to control me, because I'm letting them dictate what I would otherwise choose to do in a free world.

Do not misunderstand, I do know that to some degree those of us who want practical freedom may have to avoid certain interactions with government on a strategic level, but attempting to avoid their influence entirely is impossible without also shutting ourselves off from our single greatest opportunity to bring them down--waking up the world using the internet.

Once your MIND is free and you understand what is evil and what is not, you are no longer a sheep. When you understand the consequences of your actions and own them, you are no longer a sheep.

I am doing what I would do in a free world as much as I realistically can. If I live as though I am a hiding fugitive, I will keep experiencing life as a slave on the run.

It may seem awkward at first, but the truth is that if I want to be freer, I have to start acting like I already am. I have to create life interactions that are fearless, and do what I want outside of what government is up to.

Don't react to what they do with otherwise neutral tools out of fear, Security is an illusion mostly, in this life or any other. Focusing too hard on evading something, keeps you in a state of ACTING like THE PREY.

I am no prey, I do what I want. And without that ever-present dread of them, or a need to hide, I am actually MORE dangerous to the health of the state.

Rulers thrive on being able to know what you will do if they make any given move.

YES, they love knowing that if they create fear and seem all-powerful, they can predict markets and game the actions of thousands because they know what the fearful masses will do--
"Hey, If we do X, this will drive up division among people, and fear, so more will run and hide rather than be vocal and public about our evil deeds, and they'll avoid using our technology against us. Win!"

I posit that if one's goal above all else is their own security more than their own freedom, they are still living in fear and are far more easily manipulated by those in power than someone else who endeavors to live fearlessly.

If I personally choose to stay out of Defense Mode, otherwise known as Fear/Security Mode, I can stay in Strategic Offense Mode.

Think offense, ideas, and strategy; not in defense, fear, and ultimate security.

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