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She's all states, and all princes of mine

The lover expresses his intense love for his beloved who represent the whole world to him.
In the morning, while the sun is rising, the lover and his beloved are lying in bed. The lover is not willing to leave the bed because the sun is shining on them through the window. The lover is in highly romantic and ecstatic mood. As a lover, he thinks, he is superior to the sun, because, in possessing his beloved, he possesses the whole world. He says that his beloved is all the kingdom of the world, and the lover is all the monarchs of the world. In short, the lover and his beloved symbolise the whole world and its rulers. All honour inthe world is a shadow of the true honour which these lovers possess. All the wealth in the world too, is an imitation of the wealth which the lovers representFB_IMG_1523027411830.jpg
