Most people aren't Luke Skywalker- we are not heroes

I thought this was funny, but at the same time I feel that the creator is missing some essential truths concerning how real life and real people and real problems aren't quite the same as the cinematic versions of those things.


The trouble with that analogy is that the vast majority of people out there in the world are not Luke Skywalker.
Or Jedi Knights.
Or Princesses.
Or heroes of any sort, period.
Most of us are not uniquely powerful or special or the Chosen One.
Or the Chosen Two.
Or the Chosen #3.
Or the Chosen Team Alternate, waiting in the wings should fate's first Choices not be able to fulfill their destinies due to illness or unlucky circumstance. No, indeed.

Most of us are more akin to the faceless and nameless storm troopers and would be more likely to find we'd been gunned down mercilessly by Luke & Co. when we were just trying to do our job and earn a living.

The creator of the meme shows contempt for those who mistake their social media activities for real and effective activism and that's arguably justifiable.

What they aren't acknowledging is that for the vast majority of people who are reacting with dismay to any tragic event or unfolding crisis, there is absolutely nothing that they can do about it or should do about it, and it only looms large in their psyche and absorbs so much of their attention because of the false immediacy of Internet communications which distorts how we prioritize things because it does away with the traditional human emphasis on proximity to their physical selves as a guiding factor when apportioning our time and energy towards dealing with life's problems.

Most people aren't Luke Skywalker and that's why everyone - themselves and the rest of humanity - are far better off if they take on a more modest role than flying off half-cocked trying to pull off the practical equivalent of blowing up the Death Star - an all or nothing gamble that affords just one attempt at a comprehensive solution would be a catastrophic way to approach matters of diplomacy, warfare and national security, or any other real-world issue that might arise whenever trouble goes down somewhere in the world.

They are not Luke Skywalker and because they are not that means they're almost certainly going to fail in the endeavor and some of them may do so spectacularly, probably more often than not, and thus manage to cause problems more serious than the ones they had set out on their heroic quest to fix.

Most of us should stick with pithy statements of concern, empathy, or solidarity on Facebook and eschew attempting to act for the sake of action whenever the world goes haywire, because we're not heroes - not even the heroic protagonists of our own lives that we imagine ourselves to be - and that's okay.

Another boring selfie

I think I overthought this meme.

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