Blue Jay in AI artwork

Blue jay sat around in contemplation, there were so many goodies and so little time to steal them all. His alter ego reminded him that to take what was not freely given was a crime.

"There are so many, perhaps one or two will not be missed," he thought to himself.

He quickly grasped a rather large goodie but flying off quickly in zero gravity proved to be difficult. He lost his grasp on it and they tumbled off in different directions.

The next time he tried a different tactic by picking on a couple of smaller goodies. They were still difficult to handle and floated off when he flapped his wings.

Finally he had some success. The key to stealing objects in the space station was clear. Grasp them tightly... fly off beyond the reach of the gravity generators... float off effortlessly making greedy little blue jay noises.

Lol. I hope you like my fictional story. The artwork was made using the Starryai program. The seed for generating the images was from my photography.

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