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Story About A Man Who Lost His Son

A certain man named Chinaza had a son Ikenna, Ikenna was like a prince to his father because he was the only child he had. Chinaza was a very wealthy man, he was a business man who did importation and exportation of goods. He bought all the shares and assets he could lay his money filled hands on, just to make sure that his son Ikenna does not lack anything in life. Ikenna was the best in his class.

When Ikenna was about to apply for a university abroad, his father asked him "Son what are you going to study in the university?" Ikenna boldly replied "Accountancy". His father rebuked him in anger and said to him "If you are travelling out to study, you have to study Business Administration". Ikenna became angry but he had no choice, so he studied his father’s choice.

After finishing with a first class and not happy about his choice of course, he went back home gave his father the certificate and left. Days after they found his body floating on a river after he had posted on his facebook page “your choice isn’t my choice”.