SteemSports 2k Giveaway Submission - My sport of choice: Martial Arts are my meditation

A few years ago, I was stuck in a rut. Having gained some extra pounds, my approach to fitness had become rather shallow and mechanical: burn calories, look better. It is no surprise that with such hollow approach, even though I forced myself to work out regularly out of pure will power, I felt unfulfilled and exercising often felt like a chore. But then, one tiny event changed my life forever: watching Bruce Lee’s iconic film Enter the Dragon. I was equally fascinated with Bruce Lee’s philosophical approach to martial arts as well as his superhuman physical prowess. I started learning more and more about his life and training, and finally I read the book that completely changed my outlook on the way I approached physical activity: The Art of Expressing the Human Body. I was no stranger to Martial Arts, having practiced Taekowndo for five years almost to a Black Belt level. I wanted to recover that feeling of marvel at my own physical prowess, that sense of mastery over my own body. This marked my return to my sport of choice: Martial Arts. For over a year now, I have been practicing Muay Thai and Savate –where my Taekowndo kicks proved to be a most valuable weapon– along with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  I train six days a week, and every time I look forward to it!

My fifteen year old self (white helmet), scoring a point during a Taekowndo competition.

Throwing some kicks during a public demonstration, back in my hometown in Mexico.

The reason why I prefer sports over doing things like running on a treadmill or doing weighted squats at the gym, is because of the mental freedom and instant mindfulness that they provide when you practice them. Whenever I am playing –or in my case, fighting– I am not thinking about “reps”, and my mind doesn’t wander. During my martial arts practice, I have no time to worry about deadlines, missing items in my grocery shopping or that little comment that my boss made during our meeting that annoyed me. When I am in the game, my mind is completely engaged in the present moment: gauging the situation, observing the moves of my opponent, trying to anticipate their possible reactions, coming up with counters and strategies, thinking on my feet to quickly correct mistakes. Sometimes I enter a state of flow, some sort of unconscious mastery where I am completely focused and my body just seems to make use of my acquired skills effortlessly and instinctively. 


 As an individual prone to anxiety, this form of flowing meditation that martial arts entails provides a priceless mental respite to the never ending tape of worries and doubts playing in my head on repeat most of the day. When I am fighting, I am free. However, when I fight, I am not alone: I am entangled in a match against my opponent. That is something that for me is missing from the solo sports: the feeling of connection that I get from my training partners. I feel their strength, their struggle, their spirit in their breathing as I come in close contact with them. It's like I feel the energy within them, unbridled, that they transfer to me. Something about facing adversity together brings us closer and creates a special bond of brotherhood that is beyond regular friendship. Even though in the surface it might look like we are actively and aggressively trying to hurt each other, we are actually growing together, teaching each other, and pushing one another towards reaching our true potential.  

We are one big, crazy family (can you spot me? I am the one with the pink tights and a big smile!).

Martial arts and my teammates have shown me to never give up, even if it looks hopeless, you have not lost until you finally stop fighting. As long as you keep fighting, there is a chance you will win! 

“A warrior is not that who always wins, but that who always fights.” 

Thank you for reading!


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Image sources: All photos (except the first one) courtesy of the talented Phil IP X, photographer extraordinaire! The old Taekwondo pics were taken by my father.

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