Steem Sports 2k Giveaway Submission : MY JOURNEY IN BASEBALL

Oh My God, I'm so excited to submit my first entry for the contest on @steemsports

So, lets do it.

Hey Steemers, 

My certificate of participation in Junior national baseball championship ,2008. 


By far it is my favourite sport and even my family loves to watch baseball tournaments. In my schooldays, I played many sports but my father encouraged me to play baseball because my father is such a huge fan of baseball that he keeps baseball bat in his car.Although, here in India this is not so popular but a very few students requested the sports staff of my school to train us. This is how my baseball journey started. I used to play alot and I remember that my coach used to call us for evening practice in school playground. If someone didn't play good he punishes us, and the punishment was FRONT ROLL. We practice alot and sir used to give us some banana and some milk as refreshment after the practice.

  Something about tournament :- 

Here, I am going to share few photographs of my sports journey. I loved MEL OTT AND RICKEY HENDERSON and learned a lot watching them on internet. 


This was my school team with my principle and my coach.


Finally, the came and I went to play my first JUNIOR NATIONAL BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP ,2008. My sports teacher called my dad that I've been selected for the tournament . So, my father first told me that I am not selected and then he went out. I became so sad that I was not in a mood to come out of my room. Then at the dinner my whole family came to my room and my dad gifted me a baseball glove and told me about my selection  in tournament . I got so excited and was jumping on my bed and hugging and kissing my dad.


These are the gloves which were gifted by my dad. I still have them. 


 I  loved  sharing this memory with our community. Thank you so much @steemsports , @gnocdepatat and @theprophet0 for this opportunity that you gave us to know each other and share experiences . You are encouraging sports awareness through this. And ofcourse, many of us will try to play their favourite sport on weekends for sure. 


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