Sri Lankan Buddhist Culture

#kandeviharaya ("Kande viharaya", Lord buddha statue)
Today I bringing you a review about Sri Lanka's culture. Although there's a multireligious society down here, mainly the country's culture is based on Buddhism.
Over 2500 years Buddhism has been the influence for the country's culture. As the proofs you can find lot of sacred temples and other places around here.
"Dagaba" ("Chaithya")
These are the monuments which represents the buddhism over to the world. The great structures made by the monarchial rulers, as to show respect towards the buddhism are called as "Dagaba".
#kalutharabodhiya ("Kaluthara bodhiya", Kaluthara, Sri Lanka)
History says these "Dagaba" was built by depositing the sacred relics of Lord Buddha and his followers. Buddhists all around the world visit sri lanka to see and worship these sacred monuments.
#kelaniyatemple ("Kelaniya temple", Sri Lanka)
Not only the buddhists but also the travelers of other religions have given an important place in their time table to visit these monuments.
#ruwanwelimahasaaya ("Ruwanweli saaya", Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka)
Historians and analysts say some of these great structures ("Dagaba") only seconds to "Giza pyramids" in Egypt in the size and in the structure level. image
#jethawanaramaya ("Jethawanaramaya", Anuradhapura)
Finally as a buddhist I can say that Sri Lanka is one of the main countrys who holds the beacon of Buddhism to the world.
Keep me updated with your feedbacks. lot to follow, catch me up @lankanwalker96

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