Bronze II EOS Challenge - To Play Or Not To Play?


With only 2 days until season end, I'm sort of at a crossroads:

Do I stop playing now to ensure I receive all 7 Reward Chests?
Do I keep playing to roll the dice on NOT being able to get back to Bronze II?

The Daily Quests guarantee me 2 chests over the next two days.

So, what will I lose by not playing?
What will I lose if I continue playing the Daily Quests and am not able to return to Bronze II?

You'd think it wouldn't matter since we are talking about 2 Reward Chests either way, right?

To some degree, they are the same. And yet, they are not the same at all. There is the other bonus aspect to ending the season as a Bronze II vs. Bronze III. Which is the opportunity to begin the next season as a Bronze III, instead of having to fight my way up from Novice to Bronze II. By starting at Bronze III, I could focus my efforts on getting up to Bronze II and staying there. Which I really like the sound of...a lot.

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