ECR down to 50%! XD

Well I'm going on a trip tomorrow and that might take 2 full days so might as well do my usual daily routine here on Steem (a.ka. playing SteemMonsters worth for 2 full days) this night and earn myself some sweet DEC tokens bringing down my Energy Capture Rate to 50%! XD


Not gonna lie, the main thing I'm looking forward everyday here on Steem is opening my daily rewards from doing the daily quests and hoping everyday that I will finally open a golden legendary card. XD

Since I will be away for at most 2-3 days, that means 2-3 missed chances of getting that card.

Well, hope Esteem don't have any issues on their post scheduling feature as I really don't want to break my posting streak record which has not been broken if we exclude Steem's downtime from a week ago.

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