Get the most out of your daily quest

The daily quest has become a fundamental part of my Splintelands journey as I am to improve my deck and acquire new cards if and when they are released! The launch of all the new reward cards and the untamed series has given me much more to consider when acquiring new cards and building towards being a more competitive player

As the selection of cards increases it can be easily to get distracted especially if your the completionist or collector types as you would like one of each in your deck! The problem with this is that it can bring you selection fatigue and you may not select the best cards when going into battle.

I have started to focus on cards I can acquire and build key monsters that now bring me more wins


Play your way through

If your like me and you’re building a deck by playing then it’s important to maximize where you can get more cards and the daily quest offers you just that! The daily quest gets tricky because each day it’s a different splinter type you need to use and not everyone has the luxuary of having a good cards in every Splinter.

So what I have started to do instead of trying to win each game with the Splinter of the day to win my rewards is to use my strongest Splinter deck and ramp up as many point as I can to get high up in a specific league that I Can allow for a number of losses

Then I will strategically pick out matches that benefit the Daily reward splinter to try and win matches but it also gives me room to lose and maintain my specific league status

Maintaining a high enough league status results in you getting more cards in your daily reward quest and while 2 extra cards a day might not seem like much they do add up over the course of the season! Those extra cards could be anything you never know

Most of the time you will get a common card and I used those to level up as high as I can with those common monsters! Some of the commons I might sell or swap to build up cards I’m a few away from leveling up and all this comes from the rewards I get from my daily quest

I think if your patient and consistent you will start to see dividend! There was a time when I couldn’t dream of making it into the gold league now I’m there regularly in 2 and even 1 as I see gradual improvement

The additional DEC you pick up during daily quests can also come in handy to buy booster packs or the odd card you my need to level up

Consistantly rewarded

So how do you make use of your daily rewards? So you try to get them each day? Have you seen an improvement with the help of reward cards? Let me know in the comments

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