1st blog post to gauge interest for a Splinterlands lore based project!

Hi all,
So some of you may know me, the vast majority likely wont, but this is my first time ever writing a blog post, so bare with the noob-ness as I familiarize myself with concept, I promise they'll get better 😆
So for this first post I wanted to gauge potential interest in a project which is the main reason for starting blogging, so here goes.
I've been an avid reader and amateur writer ever since reading LoTR before I hit double digits, aside from gaming I spent a lot of my childhood writing short stories and some not so short ones just for the fun of it, and I won a few local competitions and placed in some national ones while I was in school so I'm really excited about this potential of this project after SketchyGamerGuy put me onto Splinterlands lore.
So the idea is this, I would like to create an entire story arc based on existing character lore from Splinterlands that would span the entirety of the game and sets released. Now, I'm sure the Splinterlands team have their own ideas in mind for something along these lines in the future, so this would essentially be my take on it based on my own (warped) imagination and ideas.
This would be a pretty huge undertaking of time, effort and would require a lot of dedication on my part, researching the characters, developing the characters and essentially bringing them to life, and on top of that to create an entire story arc to encompass all or at least the majority of Splinterlands characters and creatures.
I am more than willing to put that level of effort in, but I have to be realistic and if there's little to no call for it, it would essentially just be doing it for my own pleasure and that's too much of an undertaking for something that's purely for myself, however if it gains traction I would love to eventually turn it into actual books if it went that far, and with the blessing of the Splinterlands founders of course, but in the meantime I would be looking to basically write a chapter per post and go from there.
So I would really love to hear from everyone and see how many people would get behind this project, if I think its enough to make it worth the effort I would start working on it pretty much immediately.
If you want to get in touch with me with ideas, suggestions or maybe even a little help I would love to hear from you, you can find me almost permanently in the Splinterlands discord, or I'll also be starting to stream on Twitch from next week so you'll be able to find me there too under the name ACryptoApe.
I hope to hear from you soon and thanks for reading! 😍

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