What shall I do with my Vouchers?

Hello everyone! 👻👻👻

First of all, I wish all the blessings and a Happy New 2022.
I write this post to ask to help everyone with a decision that I have to take a few days.

As the boosted dropping Voucher season is coming to end I don't know what to do. I will have it at the end of the season 5 Vouchers. What would it be better? Getting packs to increase the probability in the next 13 Chaos Legion airdrops or better wait till the end and get 5 packs? I should pay 4.000 DEC for the 5 packs and I don't know what to do...

I already bought 3 packs so uncertainty assaults me... Suggestions, please? Are you guyz in a same situation like me?


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