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Splinterlands weekly challenge - Animated corps

Another week, another challenge. Finally I'm participating again with it. Taking a break from stressfull work to enjoy writing again :) hope you will stay with me.

Splinterlands is an awesome game. If you haven't tried it yet, you can do it for free. But if you want to earn stuff, you have to at least get in with $10. Everything else, evolves from there. Feel free to use this Link to get started.

I generally don't play the death splinter, just because my deck is lacking there. And from the *free to play *-cards, the haunted spirit just seems more powerfull for just 1 more mana. But it's called a challenge for a reason, so I'll try and make it work.


Magic hits armor first and enrage monsters. Doesn't really benefit the corps, as it has no armor and the speed 1 isn't really appreciating a lot when enraged.
My opponent was pretty much playing earth and dragon only in the last 5 games, so I'm going in blind.


The battle takes place in silver 1.

Mimosa gives me a decent protection against ranged and magic attacks and I can make sure, any disgusting healers will be taken care of. The corpse is of course frontliner no. 1. The Gorlodon is a very nice 2nd tank with reach and in this ruleset he can last pretty long in an enraged state. Darkest mage gives me a little bit of magic damage and the creeping ooze makes sure my enemie isn't too fast either. I like the haunted spider, because you get 2 ranged attack for 3 mana pew-pew. Last, but not least my newest toy: Cornealus. He will hopefully prove a lot of backline protection with his HP and healing and does decent damage. Note that all my cards are level 1 and I'm not ashamed of it :P

The battle

For those unpatient ones, click here

My opponent comes with a legendary summoner aswell - providing armor and reflect ouch His chicken is a bit of a waste in the last position, but that's part of the guessing game. The Mantoid with Snipe together with the reflect will clear basically everthing between my tanks and Cornealus in no time.

At this point I need my tanks to hold strong or Cornealus will be toast.

Round 1:

Both frontlines get hit pretty hard. My backline will not survive the next round at this pace. The Serpant is dodging my Cornealus, which makes me a bit worried for the upcoming shots.

Round 2:

The Serpant died rather quickly, so did my Corpse. My big ugly monsters will have to take the rest of the other team on their own. With 5 damage the Gorlodon is a pretty heavy hitter, but there is still the armor which is a little bit concerning.

Round 3

I'm getting confident. Thanks to Mimosa his damage output is basically tickling. With 10 HP left, I don't see him killing my tank in time.

Round 8

I'll spare you the details, but it was barely a scratch that he could do to my Gorlodon. I'm pretty happy to be able to win with death and maybe with Chaos Legion coming, my deck will improve enough in that splinter to play around with it more frequently.

Are you looking to hang out with other Crypto-Gamers? Join us over at the The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up!

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics