Treasurer Application - Michealb



Treasurer Considerations:

Trustworthiness: Will sign on all passed DAO proposals and remove myself from treasurer position if voted out.

Communication: Within 24 hours in most instances. On Australian time zone if that matters.

Stake: Besides meeting the minimum requirement of 100k SPS, I also hold a reasonably significant stake in other areas of the ecosystem. i.e 2nd Overall in Research Points.😇

Technical Capability: No expert but do use a trezor hardware wallet from time to time and feel confident I can learn what is required.

Identity Verification: Happy to KYC with SPL if not already.

EVM Address: 0xA197540Fddc4A4a958667515A8CA21aBDAc19a01

Note: I was initially going to just apply for the 12th man (substitute) position, but seems like we are struggling to get 11 candidates, so happy to help.

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