RE: Increase price of Spellbook compensate with Rebellion Packs

TBH, the game has limited appeal outside of crypto. I offered the opportunity for all of my nieces and nephews to play my maxed out deck, and they just didn't care. I even went to a few gaming shops and showed it to them and offered them a free code(a while ago). It's niche. You take the crypto out of it, and it's it's just not a top-tier game. I doubt you could find many players to play a mediocre game for free, let alone $10. I can extrapolate $12 or $120 from there. We are here for the crypto aspect of it, the game itself got really old for me really fast, and I was no stranger to the leaderboard. The aspects I enjoy about it now have nothing to do with game play. As you know I have a scholar in the Philippines playing my deck and I have zero interest having a deck to play for rebellion.

I've had hope for the future prospects, but even that has been dwindling. Pure venture at this point.

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