RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire Clayboyn as DAO Community and Project Manager

TL;DR: LOL no 😂 This proposal is wrong on so many levels that's incredible, but if I had only ONE question :

Why spending a whooping 60k for social media management when we can hire 1.5 full time developers for the same amount of money ?

Actually I have a bunch of other questions and remarks:

1/ The social media management was not especially amazing until now , just functional I would say. So why hiring the same person instead of fresh blood with fresh ideas ? Like an expert in the domain for example (and especially for 60k ... )

2/ 60 000 USD per year is a huge amount of money, something you only get at fairly high level positions in rich countries, that does not seems a good fit for the job as it is described here. I mean there are much more valuables ways to spend 60k for the game (like hiring more full time devs for actually delivering ... )

3/ Either SPL ask DAO for funding (or a loan!) and they hire the guy they want, we trust you guys, or there should be an official job description, job posting and reviewing where the community can participate. Otherwise it sends the wrong signal (nepotism and corruption), and I won't teach you anything by telling you that the success of crypto projets is all about trust.

4/ Why don't we start agreeing to put that DAO money to work and then hire people with that APR money ?

5/ I am repeating the same thing over and over, but SPL need first content and then promotion. I would gladly approve a proposal to hire a senior game developer for 60k ! The problem is not money but return on investment, and right now the game needs to deliver and build trust.

I have other comments in mind but I will stop for now, and I would like to say that there is nothing personal against anyone, just my thoughts.

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