SPS Governance Proposal - Solutions to Minimize Bot Farms

Community Proposal #4

To address the issue of bot farms in Splinterlands, I propose implementing a minimum Card Power (CP) requirement in the Wild mode needed to participate. However, this requirement can only be achieved through ownership or received delegation, not by renting. Players and bots can still use card rentals, but they must own or have received delegation for the minimum CP required. In addition, the cards must have the status “playable”.

In my opinion (@bronko), either playing the game yourself or owning something should be necessary to earn rewards. It is unfair for players and Investors, to mine SPS/rewards completely automatically without any ownership involvement.

Here are the proposed CP requirements for each league in the Wild mode:

Bronze: 20,000 CP
Silver: 50,000 CP
Gold: 120,000 CP
Diamond: 250,000 CP
Champion: 400,000 CP

The CP of soulbound cards does not count towards these requirements unless they have been unlocked. This proposal only applies to the Wild mode and will not affect new players.

By implementing these minimum CP requirements, we can discourage bot farms from exploiting the game and ensure that players are actively participating or have invested in their collection. This solution aims to maintain fairness and integrity within Splinterlands while minimizing the impact on genuine players and investors.

This proposal is not intended to delay any important updates, therefore Splinterlands can allocate the necessary work at their discretion as they see fit. Additionally, Splinterlands can modify the numbers if potential for improvement is identified.

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