SPORTS Burn Bot - 19th March 2020

This is an automated report from the SPORTS Burn Bot.

Today a total of 70172.888 SPORTS were burned by 14 different people.

Based on that the rewards for burning SPORTS are distributed as follows:

AccountBurned SPORTSShareRewardProfit/Loss
@arthurroadrage201.000 SPORTS0.28%412.466 SPORTS211.466 SPORTS
@codziennik400.000 SPORTS0.57%820.829 SPORTS420.828 SPORTS
@kamilukompo590.000 SPORTS0.84%1210.724 SPORTS620.723 SPORTS
@thasuspekt680.000 SPORTS0.96%1395.410 SPORTS715.410 SPORTS
@jutdagut836.000 SPORTS1.19%1715.534 SPORTS879.534 SPORTS
@summertimejohn1451.000 SPORTS2.06%2977.560 SPORTS1526.560 SPORTS
@elainestoke1536.000 SPORTS2.18%3151.986 SPORTS1615.985 SPORTS
@areyouboring2124.000 SPORTS3.02%4358.606 SPORTS2234.605 SPORTS
@brickmanbrad2634.937 SPORTS3.75%5407.087 SPORTS2772.150 SPORTS
@jiggyman3262.000 SPORTS4.64%6693.867 SPORTS3431.867 SPORTS
@omobuccaneer4044.000 SPORTS5.76%8298.589 SPORTS4254.589 SPORTS
@sparkesy435309.022 SPORTS7.56%10894.509 SPORTS5585.487 SPORTS
@tokengesture7104.929 SPORTS10.12%14579.844 SPORTS7474.914 SPORTS
@ratelmiodozer40000.000 SPORTS57.00%82082.983 SPORTS42082.982 SPORTS
TOTAL:70172.888 SPORTS143999.994 SPORTS73827.106 SPORTS

If you want to learn more about the SPORTS Burn Bot read the introduction post:

Burn to Earn! New Way to Earn SPORTS For Burning

Info: The total distributed amount can be smaller than the available 144,000 SPORTS because of the way rewards are rounded.

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