SPORTS Burn Bot - 17th March 2020

This is an automated report from the SPORTS Burn Bot.

Today a total of 59389.041 SPORTS were burned by 14 different people.

Based on that the rewards for burning SPORTS are distributed as follows:

AccountBurned SPORTSShareRewardProfit/Loss
@brickmanbrad508.121 SPORTS0.85%1232.035 SPORTS723.914 SPORTS
@thasuspekt527.000 SPORTS0.88%1277.811 SPORTS750.810 SPORTS
@mikedontknow826.000 SPORTS1.39%2002.793 SPORTS1176.793 SPORTS
@stuccinthegrind878.000 SPORTS1.47%2128.877 SPORTS1250.877 SPORTS
@omobuccaneer1149.000 SPORTS1.93%2785.968 SPORTS1636.967 SPORTS
@mengene1250.000 SPORTS2.10%3030.862 SPORTS1780.862 SPORTS
@mancermoosah1336.000 SPORTS2.24%3239.385 SPORTS1903.385 SPORTS
@sporthobbyist1401.000 SPORTS2.35%3396.990 SPORTS1995.989 SPORTS
@tolut1433.000 SPORTS2.41%3474.580 SPORTS2041.580 SPORTS
@egbere1749.000 SPORTS2.94%4240.782 SPORTS2491.782 SPORTS
@akukobonda2004.000 SPORTS3.37%4859.078 SPORTS2855.078 SPORTS
@leedsunited10000.000 SPORTS16.83%24246.897 SPORTS14246.897 SPORTS
@taskmanager12327.920 SPORTS20.75%29891.381 SPORTS17563.461 SPORTS
@ratelmiodozer24000.000 SPORTS40.41%58192.554 SPORTS34192.554 SPORTS
TOTAL:59389.041 SPORTS143999.993 SPORTS84610.952 SPORTS

If you want to learn more about the SPORTS Burn Bot read the introduction post:

Burn to Earn! New Way to Earn SPORTS For Burning

Info: The total distributed amount can be smaller than the available 144,000 SPORTS because of the way rewards are rounded.

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