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What does G.O.A.T means in sports ????

The acronym for G.O.A.T stands for "Greatest Of All Time".

It is not limited to football, but applies to every sports.

It applies to a player, who individually has a great impact on the game. Like no one in past has impacted the game so much and in future also there is no chance for anyone to do so.

When it comes to football, the G.O.A.T nomination goes to many legend. But the winner will be different depending on your perception and consideration.

Much before during the domination of Maradona and Pele, no one could think that someday we will see the players like Messi and Ronaldo too !!!

In fact in sports like tennis, the performance of the individual decides the winner, but in sports like football, basketball or cricket its different. The achievement of the team is much more important then the performance of any individual.

Still if we will think of G.O.A.T in football :

  1. Maradona
  2. Pele
  3. Napoli
  4. Messi
  5. Ronaldo

When it comes to Cricket, Some G.O.A.T are :

  1. Sachin
  2. Lara
  3. Pointing
  4. Bradman
  5. Dravid

When it comes to Basket ball, some G.O.A.T are :

Micheal Jordan or LeBron James

In formula 1, we may consider :

  1. Jim Clarke

  2. Aryton Senna

  3. Micheal Schumacher

  4. Fangio
