From White to Blue Belt 1 1/2

A couple of days ago I had my first scooter accident in Thailand.

Some idiot put his scooter on my foot. Better said on my toe and kind of ripped off the nail.
While this is not too bad for a first accident it is still painful.

Sadly I was this I can only be mad at myself.

I still tried go to train yesterday but it got painful really quickly so I did just the techniques, tried one round of rolling and had to stop after a minute or so.

Since I use a stampcard atm I am not sure if I will go today again because I do not want to waste the hours I have on it.



We did mostly triangles from the guard. At least this is what I want to remember as we did some fancy versions as well.

It worked pretty well as we practised this a couple of times before. Still during rolling I have problems to land it so actually I am always happy if we repeat something I already practised since usually there is always a detail you can pick up.

Sometimes I am to slow when I grab my own leg and therfore give room to escape. Too slow is not even right as I dont need to hurry this much.

I had to remind me that I often have to adjust the angle to get it tighter.

This I can usually do just grabbing the leg and pull myself in the direction.

If it is this tight I dont even need to pull the head but of course still have the option.

OVerall still a fun session and quite possible the last one for the week if things do not get better.

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