BJJ journey reloaded?

Some time ago I posted regular about my progress in BJJ.

It helped me remember the techniques way better, gave me a feeling of accountability and was also pretty motivating as I had an "easy" post.



For some reason I stopped doing those posts and with this I also got a bit lazier with my training.

I am lazy by nature and it is one of my traits I don`t like about me

I always need a bit of a push and often this is some outside motivation (I know this is not optimal)

The man, the myth, the legend @abh12345 introduced me to a couple of minutes ago and I am pretty sold at the moment and pretty much immediately bought a couple of the SPORTS token.

My hope is to get a bit more on track with this if I start sharing my struggles, wins, losses and progress again of my BJJ journey.

Get a bit of a kick in the ass if I start slagging, some words of encouragement and earn some tokens with it.

If this is what communities will be about I am way more curious than before.

I might create an alt account for this as I am starting to curate on more and more sites the more communities I want to be a part of...but that is future Flipstars problem.

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