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Sept. 19, 20: AutomaticWin, Mowing, DoubleDay, TV, and Games


Five o’clock, an early start to the day, but only another half an hour short, sooo, not too bad, I suppose.

Did the usual morning dooblydoo and looked with hope at the crypto markets. HIVE went back down again, around 1560 or so, which is good, but LTC still down pretty hard against BTC as well, so I’m still waiting for a good move.

We busted out seriously early, like right with the sunrise, and absolutely annihilated another #AutomaticWin! That’s a three day streak going now! 😁

Holy crap it was cold, though! Below freezing for serious! Had to bust out the hat and gloves and the heavy jacket. 😡😢

Lovely blue skies, but a bit of biting wind.

Seems like it’s a little early for frost, but it was there, for sure. Hope the peppers are going to be alright!

As we walked past the school there was a pair of young males doing their whooping and jumping at eachother. Was crazy cause you could hear some, quite a way away, calling back to them.

We took the long route back through the fancy schmancy neighborhood. There was yet another pair, but they looked totally grey! They’re usually more brownish.

It did warm up a bit once the sun got going.

Check this out! This is so amazing!!! This dragonfly was completely frozen just hanging there on a leaf!

I mean, frozen!

We made sure to swing by and check on the way back and it was gone. I choose to believe that it thawed out and flew away rather than becoming a bird’s popsicle breakfast.

Instead we saw a nifty multicolored caterpillar:

After we got back I did my post for the day, chatted a bit over in The Man Cave and then got a little restless.

Within the last few days, you see, the neighbors on both sides of me had mowed their lawns...made mine look even worse by comparison, so even though I didn’t really want to, I headed out and mowed the lawn.

I’d left of for a while, for sure, but it wasn’t all that tall. Thick, now that’s what it was, and took me like six or seven loads to finish.

By that point I had crushed the #DoubleDay and then some, but once I stopped everything stiffened up. I took a nice hot shower and popped some painkillers to try and get ahead of it and get a reasonable night’s sleep.

Then in the evening Wenche made steaks 🥩 and veggies and baked potatoes 🥔 for dinner and we watched some more of that drama show about the church people, dunno what it’s called.

I played my Splinterlands quest pretty early in the day (got sick of not being able to go to bed because I keep losing and can’t complete the quest), so I was ready and in bed pretty early, didn’t take long and I was out.

No crime in my dCity today! 🤩 Knock on wood, been going alright with that. Just broke over a thousand SIM again, thinking it’s close to time to start eyeing the market to see if there’s anything useful I can afford.

Still a bit of a struggle, but I did get all my Holybread tasks done today as well. 🥳

I did get a couple key wins, though, and I’m back into the top ten! 👍🏆

I was working on gathering CryptoBrewmaster ingredients, but they surpassed 1000 users in a day and we got a nice bonus drop of a set of “good” ingredients! That meant I could get a brew going, but it isn’t done yet.

No sale yet, so I’m still in the same spot.

I got Earth splinter for my Splinterlands quest today. Still stuck in Diamond, simply beyond me.

Completed the quest in Diamond II with a potion. Got a few more cards and an Untamed pack today:

The pack was ok, at least it had a summoner:

Proof of #AutomaticWin:

Average Last 7 Days: 14,234

Lifetime Average: 15,903

10k per Day Streak: 179
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 1136.46 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 277
#AutomaticWin Streak: 3
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 115
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 150
#DoubleDay Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 85%
Satisfaction: 83%
Energy: 79%
Productivity: 80%







Pi Cloud Mining


Power up and Hive on!