Missing The Point Of Spammy Dlike


Today I thought I must air some views and trends that need to be addressed on Sportstalk. It is not just Sportstalk though as it must be effecting loads of other tribes as these users tag everything under the sun. I would like to see @dlike take control and and control what is being posted. I for one am sick and tired of seeing shit post after shit post come through the feed.Why aren't there controls at least controlling the content and if one Dlike story on that article has been posted then it gets rejected like @steemhunt does. I can see the same photograph and the same story 5 or 10 times in one evening of going through the new posts which is seriously not right and Dlike need to do something to stop this.

Here are two identical posts from this morning as a perfect example.How much effort went into this? This is no different to spam and are perfect for downvotes.


I have been on sports for around 2 months now and have been working hard trying to mix and vary my posts so they cover all sorts of sports and you aren't a one trick pony. Most sports lovers love all types of sports and will read anything as we just find it interesting.

Everything except a Dlike post that is. I read sports articles at sites like Skysports and read what is interesting. I don't read copied and pasted articles on Sportstalk as no thought or effort has gone into that post. How bad must someone be if that is all they have to offer? I ignore the Dlike posts like the plague and I know most other users do as well. I regard them as spam posts and don't see the point of them at all. Personally I would rather not post than use Dlike.

If you use another language besides English then write an article in your own words. If some effort is shown you will receive more upvotes and support from the community. The tribe is crying out for people to write their own things and yet people bitch about trending.

I agree I would love to see other names trending and not the same bunch,but it is impossible if 99 percent are doing Dlike as that would be just totally wrong. I see these users as just milking the loopholes with little to no effort and quite honestly deserve diddly squat for their posts.

Actifit can be put in a similar bracket, but at least certain users are adding to it making it into a post. Look at @abh12345.sports and @erikahfit what they do as it is not just actifit, but there is substance and thought being added.

Before I joined Sportstalk I used to receive 30 -35 votes on average on a post and now I am averaging over 100 and there is no reason why others can't do the same. The reason I believe is that there is very little else to read on here regarding sports posts and that is the truth.

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