Paragliding over the Himalayas … Pokhara, Nepal – Sports Photography

If you’re high up in the mountains and you wanna get even higher … go paragliding. 

[Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

Exploring or trekking

The small city of Pokhara has many attractions, including the peaceful lake on whose shores it lies, and the colossal Himalayas stretching across its northern frontier. Situated in a valley at an elevation of about 1,000 meters, Pokhara is a great place to explore the surrounding villages or to start on a mountain trek. 

Gliding or tripping

One day, I wanted to get a bit higher. Being neither a mountain climber nor a social climber, I rented a scooter and rode up into the mountains to explore the region. On the way back, I passed over a peak that overlooked Pokhara and came across this magnificent view of the lake and the town.

This paraglider sailing over the lake had an even better view. Clearly, his trip was more exhilarating than mine.  

Location – Pokhara, Nepal, on Google Maps

This is my entry in @juliank’s Sports Photography contest.

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