Results Atletico Madrid vs Espanyol, Final Score 0-2



Atletico Madrid vs Espanyol results, Spanish League week 36 on Sunday night at Wanda Metropolitano, after a score of 0-2 to win the team Espanyol.

Atletico still have a very big interest with the game tonight. They must win in order to stay away from the pursuit of the city's neighbors, Real Madrid, who are still ambitious to secure the 2nd position of the Spanish League.

Espanyol on the other hand has no motivation whatsoever. Their position in La Liga is safe for next season, while chasing the top half of the standings also can not. but what happened? Precisely the host was surprised by two goals the visitors in the second half, as far as 78 minutes.

The first half ended with the score 0-0. Atletico less dominant compared to his guests who apparently even play without free after being ensured secure position for next season. The only chance in the first half occurred through Victor Vitolo, 23 minutes, who fired a shot from the box boundary but only widened.

Both goals from Espanyol came in the second half, through Oscar Melendo on 53 minutes and then Leo Baptistao on 77 minutes. So, when the game neared the end, the score 0-2 for the Catalan origin club.

The 0-2 score lasted until the end then Los Rojiblancos stuck with 75 points, while Los Blancos are just below him and have two fewer games, bagging 71 points. While Espanyol will have 43 points, equal to Athletic Bilbao but lost on goal difference.

After a few minutes injury time, referee Jose Munuera finally blew his long whistle. Atletico Madrid vs Espanyol results closed with a final score of 0-2.

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