Volleyball tournament Angkasa VC versus Darussalam VC in Tingkeum

Yesterday afternoon I went to Tingkeum to watch volly ball tournaments. The team that competed was the team from:

Angkasa VC Versus Darussalam VC.

The match with full of excitement was attended by many spectators from various regions. They do not want to miss this exciting competition.
The supporters of both teams cheered each other to support his beloved team for the player to become more enthusiastic.
Not forgetting I capture the moment of this match.
The first round match was won by Darussalam VC with a score of 25-20.
In the second round of the match again won by Darussalam VC with a score of 25-18.
It looks like the Darussalam VC team is very insistent in training before plunging into this prestigious match.
The Angkasa VC team is also not despair.
In the third round of Angkasa VC team managed to lead the score up to 16-8.
But in the middle of the match Darussalam VC team also did not give up and was able to return the score to 17-16.
And the final score in the third round was successfully won back by Darussalam VC team.
With a three-round win by Darussalam VC, then the match yesterday was absolutely won by the Darussalam VC team.
What a tough competition.
And we will watch the next game after this match.
Hopefully this sports competition continues to be developed so that the talent of young people will be more trained.
May we sports lovers love it..
Follow me @gusni.hrf

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