How we could all learn a lesson from sports fans

Sports, especially college football, is intense. Fans going hoarse from yelling so many profanities at 18-22 year old kids playing a game. From belittling the opposing team and their entire fanbase with a reckless abandon. Filthy things are said, false things are said, people are slandered. It's a vile thing, the rivalries sports gives us.

But those same fans would help the opposing fans with a dead battery, or a flat tire without hesitation. Would still call them a good friend. Would even marry them at times.

Our country's political climate is just as intense today. But people are starting to write others out of their lives, no matter their previous relationship, just due to political differences. People are condoning and even championing physical violence against other for their political views. People are now destroying property of individuals, just based on who they vote for or what bill they support.

When will it stop? It's ok to have different views. We are individuals. All unique as are our thoughts. It's ok to all should debate topics related to our government, bit we should never let our differences push us to harm each other. I've been seeing it too much lately. And I pray it stops soon.

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