Chelsea star Reece James has Champions League, Euro 2020 medals stolen during Zenit victory.

Chelsea defender Reece James said on Instagram that he was burgled while playing in the Champions League on Tuesday, with the robbers taking off with a safe containing his Champions League and Super Cup winners medals and Euro 2020 medal.


James posted security footage on Instagram of the robbers walking around his property before dragging the safe to a car, appealing for help from fans to identify the perpetrators.
The 21-year-old starred in Chelsea's 1-0 victory against Zenit St Petersburg at Stamford Bridge, the side's first Champions League match since beating Manchester City in last year's final in Porto.
"These medals were won representing Chelsea and England -- honours that can never be taken away from me whether or not I have the physical medals to prove it.
They managed to collectively lift a heavy safe containing some personal items of mine into their car. I never keep any jewellery of mine in my house so all that was contained in the safe were my Champions League winners medal and Super Cup winners medal and the runners up medal for the Euro 2020.
"The police, my advisers and Chelsea FC (and many others) are all behind me as we have firm leads on who the perpetrators are. We are closing in on them.
"Luckily, no one was present during the break in but I want to let all of you know I am safe and well.

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