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Seems like everything works out, and so does my work out:)

Hi, guys!

What can I tell you about myself today? Everything is going relatively well. I am able to follow my new schedule by about 80%, although I still cannot go back to drawing normally. It is he who makes up the remaining twenty percent, because in an amicable way he should be my main occupation, but it turns out hell.

I have a lot of bruises from training. And by the way, I'm talking not only about physical, but also about mental. For example, yesterday for the first time I seriously tried to wind gymnastic ribbons on two legs, each separately. I fought over this all training, but it turned out only once, at the very end. I was so shocked that it finally worked out that I even burst into tears. It was a new breakthrough, and I'm pretty sure that today I won't be able to repeat it, but I'll try again, because in the end, if you don't try, then nothing will happen. And aerial gymnastics requires a lot of effort. At first, when I was asked "what, is this fly yoga?" I laughed, and now it even hurts me. I also have fly yoga, after which a bunch of bruises remain, after which my muscles hurt terribly and I want to lie down and never get up again)).

But I really like this sport. And it’s so wonderful to feel that a new trick has finally succumbed, it’s an incomparable feeling. My husband thinks that I am overtraining, but I don't think this is the case. Three workouts a week is okay, it makes sense to train less. Progress will be much slower, if at all. Yes, of course, you need to give your muscles a rest, but not as much as my husband thinks. He himself is surprisingly little involved in sports and, perhaps, that's why I just can't explain to him that three workouts is a completely normal amount.

Pic of my dog, as usual:)

By the way, tomorrow I will still be able to share with you my new artistic work. I ended up finishing that same project with a pointer to an undead settlement that I had been working on for almost a month. My curator said that it turned out very well, although I sincerely read what could have been better. But I am not happy with myself most of the time, so for me this is in the order of things.

Autumn has come to our city, and it has already become very cold. The saddest thing is that because of this I come to training with a wooden one, and a lot of time is spent on warming up. But I hope to get used to it a bit.

In fact, my biggest fear is that the halls will be closed again due to another wave of covid. I am very scared to lose my sports activities, which have just begun to improve, and my body has begun to get used to them.

See you in the next post, take care:)
Love, Inber