With the recently concluded AMA, did the founders blew it?!

So first, there will be two (2) game formats, modern and wild.
Modern will feature cards from Untamed to the latest Chaos Legion packs while in the Wild format, players will play using all cards from editions.

A lot has been speculated about the SPS and vouchers.
So a lot of players will be asking, "How much SPS do I need to stake to get one (1) voucher?"
Well, here is a simple computation, in 100M of SPS staked you need at least 3,000SPS in your account to get 1 voucher/day.

0.00003x33,000=0.999 or 1
1x30days=30vouchers max for the presale

Cards set at $4/pack.
So in order for other players to participate in the pre-sale who have less SPS, they need to buy a voucher in the market or other players.
I am assuming that the prices for vouchers will even be higher than $4/voucher.

As you may have read, there is a bonus for the volume purchase of packs during the presale.
So whales may want to buy more vouchers as well as regular players and as a result, prices may increase.
My prediction is that vouchers may reach a price of $5-10/voucher or even up to $20, who knows.

The set date of pre-sale is on Oct. 18 and regular sale on Nov. 17.
You may read the full article here:


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