3 Cards to Watch on the Market

As probably everyone, I've been trying to antecipate what are the next cards that are truly going to spike in price with the introduction of Chaos Legion. A herculean task, when we still have no clue what the new cards will be, or even the new abilities that will be introduced.

Still, it's fun to guess and see what happens. So here's a little list of cards I think may see huge price spikes, depending on what happens in the near future.


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Let's start with a cheap one. Sorry if I'm being Captain Obvious here. But judging for how low people are selling them it might not be so obvious. Right now this is the cheapest listed card on the market. Even though the picture is showing the card listed at $0.40, I've been seeing them get sold the whole day for as low $0.32. It's not uncommon to see listings for $0.29. The fact this card will soon stop being printed will alone make it's price go higher. It's probably the last chance to stock up on these and level them up to Level 6, at which it gets Phase and becomes a real tanky bad dream for opponents.

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By then it will also have 6 Speed, 2 Attack, and 11 Health. I easily see them going for above $1 soon (I don't want to go crazy here), when copies start becoming more limited as people burn more and more of them through leveling up.


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The power of the Cube is well known to those who have reached at least Silver and beyond, with the effect of poisonous fumes in the special rule set. I am honestly surprised this one is still listed below the $5 mark, but I guess it has to do with the fact there are still over 2000 copies listed at the present moment. I can see this card going at least above $10 if not more in the future when, again, copies start being more limited.


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This one is a no brain. With less than 200 copies going around, it has already spiked to almost $10. The reason why these are scarce is because they are useful for pretty much every Splinter and they are a really money maker in the rental market. When Chaos Legion arrives, I suspect these will become unatainable to the vast majority of the player base unless through rentals, as many cards already are.

What do you think? What are other cards you believe may have dormant potential to be the next moonshot?

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