Splinterlands Cards Giveaway (06/05/2022) 🤩

Hey everyone,

I recently took a break from blogging and it really helped me to relax and do stuff I never had time for. But now I feel like it's time for my return to being more active on the Hive blockchain again and what better way than with a nice little giveaway?

I'm not sure how often I'll do this giveaway from now on but I think there will be at least a couple of them in the next weeks.


Today's Giveaway

Today I am giving away a lvl 1 Lava Launcher, a lvl 1 Temporal Master & a lvl 1 Djinn Apprentice.

The Lava Launcher is a strong but quite expensive (mana) card. 3 ranged attack can defeat one or another opponent and the Close Range ability is nice as well because it can attack from any position. 9 mana is a lot though... It is a card from the fire team and currently worth about $0.32 (06/05/2022).

If you win this card it will be all yours 🤩

The next card is the Temporal Master, a card from the life team with magic attack. Although this card seems weak at first, you shouldn't underestimate what it can do. The Recharge ability combined with magic attack can be a powerful weapon. The card is worth about $0.46 right now (06/05/2022).

If you win this card it will be all yours 🤩

And then we also have the Djinn Apprentice card which is from the fire team as well. Although you'll probably focus on melee attack monsters when using the fire team these days some nice magic attack can't hurt anyone (well, except your opponent of course 😉). The current price is $0.13 (06/05/2022).

If you win this card it will be all yours 🤩

How to enter

It is pretty easy. You just have to follow these steps:

  1. You have to follow me (so you don't miss any giveaways 😎)
  2. Leave a comment with your Splinterlands username (you can also write something else, for example what you like about the cards given away - this won't increase your chances though)
  3. Upvote this post (optional but this will help me out a lot)
  4. Reblog (optional but appreciated)

That's it. All you need to do is follow these steps. If you don't follow me and comment with your Splinterlands username you'll be disqualified for that round (without warning). Unless stated otherwise every card will be given away to a different user (no multiple winning of one user in a single round). Winners will be announced within 48 hours after this posts payout, so make sure to participate in time.

I won't mention anyone who participated in the last giveaway because I don't want to spam. If you want to be mentioned though (so you won't miss any new giveaways) just mention this in your comment!

PS: There is a chance to get an extra entry by finding the corresponding email in ListNerds. This way I want to reward the awesome ListNerds community. Btw have you joined yet? If not you should absolutely do so! But you can also enter this giveaway without being a ListNerds member :)

I wish everyone good luck and see you next time.

Cheers ✌


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