Time to Accept Our Shortcomings and Do Better in The Next Market Cycle - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 33 Report

I write this report with mixed feelings for the short and medium term success of @splinterlands due to recent events. I don't think the priorities were handled the best way. Fortunately we have enough time to get everything together and my long term outlook is positive as it used to be. Primarily I am very disappointing regarding how Land Expansion was handled.

Let me be very clear that I love the design, mechanics and what it brings to entire blockchain gaming space. My problems are with how Land was deprioritized and resources were spread out. Land is going to be one of the biggest sinks to Cards and DEC. Reaching $0.001 for DEC is important and it can start SPS burns for DEC. More utility that leads to more demand create buying pressure. Land could reduce the fall of price of Cards and even increase the prices (especially for the older Cards). Land 1.5 would have made massive amounts of DEC locked up. Most players I know had issues with not having enough DEC; not a lack of Cards.

The current timeline for Land 1.5 is "end of the year". That is a ~6 month extension from the original timeline. Delays due to bugs is a perfectly understandable scenario. During August I learned that there were 18 bugs to be fixed. It is possible that the developers found more bugs to be fixed while they were at the job. But looking at the events, it seems the focus is on Rebellion now. It is going to transform Battles. It will be released on December 5th.

I understand that revenue is important for teem Monsters Corp. to stay alive. We are too late to fix the problem now. A postmortem that lead to lessons learned is what we need. @splinterlands had a problems with spreading itself too thin. I don't have an issue with picking multiple areas to expand into. I love the fact that there is a Tower Defense game, Genesis League Sports, Invennium and a long awaited Praetoria expansion.

The problem I see is that nothing was delivered and it seems too many things are about to be released during a very short time period. Land 1.5 and Rebellion launch in quick succession is going to leave many interested players unable to invest as much as they desire. Updates and expansions should be spread across allowing investors to gather up more funds during the time gap. Have multiple projects being worked at once. But release them bit by bit with enough down time between launches.

Match Report


Diamond Rank756
Rating2903 - Diamond III
Rating High3006
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.86 (167/195)
Longest Streak5

I have another Season with a Ranked Ratio that is very underwhelming. Despite that I managed to reach Diamond III again and this is where I plan to keep myself at end of Seasons.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard160
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold10

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotalπŸ’²Token
Legendary Potions12268190🟑 7600
Alchemy Potions112151263🟑 13150
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS204.778189.669-⭐ 394.447
Merits67142072-πŸŽ€ 8786
CHAOS Packs112🟑 8000
Cards (Total)10466170-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
167🟣 0 + ⭐173.192

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟑 28750 CREDITS
⭐ 567.639 SPS

The Rewards are not all that impressive for 51 Diamond Chests. This is why perseverance is important. If you take a look at SplinterShare website, you will find yourself with genuinely impressive Rewards from even Gold Chests. Luck plays a part and you are not going to loose any money for being unlucky. With @splinterlands, you can either win small or win big. If you manage to HODL till we see another market top and sell at the top, you can be very happy. The difficult part is surviving long enough. It is the same for Steem Monsters Corp. Their badly timed launches are necessary to keep the game alive.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(-149.854)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

I have too many Cards sitting idling without being used. 1 DEC fee for listing combined with automatic cancellation of listings that have not been rented for 30 days keeps me away from earning a passive income on dozens of Cards I have. I have not paid enough attention to Rentals for some time.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards550.399
Ranked Rewards as above567.639
Brawl Rewards255.610
Tower Defense133.380
Liquidity Rewards19.565
License Stake Rewards292.618
NET SPS1819.211
+ Voucher Drops107.508 🎟️

I used to aim for a 100,000 SPS staked goal. If SPS reached $1, that alone would be very good. Now I have long passed that goal. I have been selling the liquid SPS Rewards I get. I have not Powered Down in a long time and I don't plan to do that until SPS price improve dramatically. The optimistic price target I have for SPS is $5. Until that price is reached, don't expect me to rush to sell.

We cannot change the past. All we can do is learn the lessons and do better in the coming years. All the projects that were partially completed will have time to shine in the next few years. There will be a bull market and there will be enough funds to hire more developers to finish what has been started. Bull markets are great times to sell more things and build up the war chest. Bear markets are great times to create more utility and keep the the prices from falling.

We Can Do Better in The Next Cycle

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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