How long does it take from Novice to Diamond?

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Let's calculate how long it would take on average from Novice without any investment if you rely solely on playing the game. To make it simpler I'm assuming one can achieve playing the league with the receive reward cards and buying cards with credits/dec at a 200 CP/$ ratio since I'm not calculating SPS airdrops into it. In addition, I pretend DEC stays at the current rate. Estimating Battle Rewards is tricky as well. My Assumption is 24 games a day with a 50% win rate. I'm fractionalizing the EOS chests.

LeagueBattle Reward/dayChest ValueDaily chests$ to advancedays to advance
Bronze 3$0$0.0481.333$579
Bronze 2$0.0079$0.0591.466$20212
Bronze 1$0.02$0.071.6$50379
Silver 3$0.0792$0.1002.8$125348
Silver 2$0.1386$0.1104$150259
Silver 1$0.2376$0.1205.2$150175
Gold 3$0.396$0.1307.466$250182
Gold 2$0.594$0.1408.733$250138
Gold 1$0.792$0.15010$250110


So in total, it takes 5 years and 56 days to advance from Spellbook to Diamond. That's quite a bit of time to get into Diamond. That's not including any non-game-related income opportunities. If you are serious about the game and use all the possibilities at hive and splinterlands offer us, 1-2 years should be achievable.

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